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Welcome to the steam and power forum's jurisdictional section. Purpose is to be able to readily lookup jurisdictional stationary engineers requirements in Canada and the the Canadain Providences as well as the United States of America and the States and Cities. If corrections are needed please Email Us. We will be adding other countries in 2013.
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Pennsylvania Operating Engineers License

Pennsylvania Dept of Labor & Industry Boiler Section
1614 Labor & Industry Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

No State Jurisdictional Boiler & Refrigeration Operator's License Law at this time.


City of Erie
Bureau of Air Pollution Engineers
City Hall Room 507
626 State Street
Erie, PA 16501

Local residency is not required to apply for the license.

Licenses from other jurisdictions not recognized for experience.

The City of Erie has 4 licensing levels:

  1. Erie 1st Class Chief Stationary Engineer
  2. Erie 2nd Class Stationary Engineer
  3. Erie Water Tender
  4. Erie Refrigeration Engineer

City of Philadelphia

City of Philadelphia
Department of Licensing & Inspections
1401 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Appliable City of Philadelphia Code: 9-501

The City of Philadelphia requires licensed operators for -

  1. Boilers carrying not more than 15-psi or Low-Pressure Boilers
  2. Boilers carrying more than 15 pounds of pressure but not exceeding 30 hp
  3. Refrigeration machinery with a capacity of not more than 25 tons, or which uses a refrigerant that is tasteless, odorless, non-inflammable, non-explosive and non-corrosive and which is equipped with an automatic shut-off device.

Local residency is not required to apply for the license.

Licenses from other jurisdictions not recognized for experience.

The City of Philadelphia has 6 licensing levels:

  1. Grade A -- steam boiler, stationary and refrigeration engineer
  2. Grade A-1 -- steam boiler, stationary or refrigeration engineer employed exclusively by and for the School District of Philadelphia
  3. Grade B -- refrigeration engineer
  4. Grade C -- portable and stationary engineer
  5. Grade D -- fireman

There is not any traditionally published publications or statutes to support who qualifies for a Grade A license or any license. The City of Philadelphia has taken the approch that anyone can take the exams and if you pass you get a license.

What can be implied is there are three-boiler operator licenses for the City of Philadelphia and here are two: 1) Firemen's License that can reasonably stated means an assistant boiler operator and can not be in-charge of any boiler and must work under a Grade A license or Grade C license. 2) In the City of Philadelphia, only a Grade A license can operate a high-pressure steam boiler 30-BHP or higher.


City of Pittsburgh
Bureau of Building Inspection
1600 West Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Local residency is not required to apply for the license.

Licenses from other jurisdictions not recognized for experience.

Continuing Education is now required each year to maintain license.

The City of Pittsburgh has 4 licensing levels:

  1. Pittsburgh Stationary Engineer
  2. Pittsburgh Boiler Fireman
  3. Pittsburgh Class A Refrigeration Operator
  4. Pittsburgh Class B Refrigeration Operator


Not known what type of License Law Scranton has but they do have a License Scranton.

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