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Welcome to the steam and power forum's jurisdictional section. Purpose is to be able to readily lookup jurisdictional stationary engineers requirements in Canada and the the Canadain Providences as well as the United States of America and the States and Cities. If corrections are needed please Email Us. We will be adding other countries in 2013.
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New Brunswick: Power Engineer License


New Brunswick Safety Code Services
460 Two Nations Crossing
Fredericton NB
E3B 5H1

New Brunswick Recognizes SOPEEC's 4 licensing levels:

Power Engineer 1st Class: Chief Power Engineer or Shift Engineer - Unlimited.

1st Class Power Engineer must have had a 2nd Class Power Engineer Licence for 2 years and have 6 years of related practical experience to sit for the First Class Power Engineer's Exam.

Power Engineer 2nd Class: Chief Power Engineer - Not Exceeding 1000 therm hours, Shift Engineer - Unlimited.

2nd Class Power Engineer must have had a 3rd Class Power Engineer Licence for 2 years and have 4 years of related practical experience to sit for the Second Class Power Engineer's Exam.

Power Engineer 3rd Class : Chief Power Engineer - Not Exceeding 400 therm hours or Low-Pressure Plant of Unlimited Rating, Shift Engineer - Unlimited.

Also, a 3rd Class is qualified to be a Chief Power Engineer of a plant Not Exceeding 700 therm hours. Finally, a 3rd Class is qualified to be an Assistant Shift Engineer of a power plant of Unlimited Rating.

3rd Class Power Engineer must have had a 4th Class Power Engineer Licence for 1 years and have 2 years of related practical experience to sit for the Third Class Power Engineer's Exam.

Power Engineer 4th Class: Chief Power Engineer - High Pressure not exceeding 200 therm hour, or low-pressure plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours.

A 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be a Shift Engineer in a power plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours. A 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be an Assistant Shift Engineer in a heating plant Not Exceeding 700 therm hours, or any low-pressure plant. A 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be a Shift Engineer of a high-pressure plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours. Finally, a 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be a Shift Engineer in a low pressure plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours.

4th Class Power Engineer must have 6-months of related practical experience to sit for the 4th Class Power Engineer's Exam.

Trainee -

Not Required to hold a license, but must work directly for a licensed Power Engineer.

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