New Brunswick: Power Engineer License
New Brunswick Safety Code Services
460 Two Nations Crossing
Fredericton NB
E3B 5H1
New Brunswick Recognizes SOPEEC's 4 licensing levels:
Power Engineer 1st Class: Chief Power Engineer or Shift Engineer - Unlimited.
1st Class Power Engineer must have had a 2nd Class Power Engineer Licence for 2 years and have 6 years of related practical experience to sit for the First Class Power Engineer's Exam.
Power Engineer 2nd Class: Chief Power Engineer - Not Exceeding 1000 therm hours, Shift Engineer - Unlimited.
2nd Class Power Engineer must have had a 3rd Class Power Engineer Licence for 2 years and have 4 years of related practical experience to sit for the Second Class Power Engineer's Exam.
Power Engineer 3rd Class : Chief Power Engineer - Not Exceeding 400 therm hours or Low-Pressure Plant of Unlimited Rating, Shift Engineer - Unlimited.
Also, a 3rd Class is qualified to be a Chief Power Engineer of a plant Not Exceeding 700 therm hours. Finally, a 3rd Class is qualified to be an Assistant Shift Engineer of a power plant of Unlimited Rating.
3rd Class Power Engineer must have had a 4th Class Power Engineer Licence for 1 years and have 2 years of related practical experience to sit for the Third Class Power Engineer's Exam.
Power Engineer 4th Class: Chief Power Engineer - High Pressure not exceeding 200 therm hour, or low-pressure plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours.
A 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be a Shift Engineer in a power plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours. A 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be an Assistant Shift Engineer in a heating plant Not Exceeding 700 therm hours, or any low-pressure plant. A 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be a Shift Engineer of a high-pressure plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours. Finally, a 4th Class Power Engineer is also qualifed to be a Shift Engineer in a low pressure plant Not Exceeding 400 therm hours.
4th Class Power Engineer must have 6-months of related practical experience to sit for the 4th Class Power Engineer's Exam.
Trainee -
Not Required to hold a license, but must work directly for a licensed Power Engineer.